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Questions tagged [script]

Use this tag to post a userscript that operates on Stack Exchange sites and/or uses the Stack Exchange API. For questions about user scripting and Stack Exchange, or its API, use the [scripts] tag instead. Scripts are usually JavaScript and usually browser extensions/userscripts. For other tools, the [app] tag may be more appropriate.

385 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Hide sites from Hot Network Questions section

Screenshot About The 'Hot Network Questions' section has questions from websites which are not very interesting for me so with this script you can: Hide questions from those websites Stop hi…

Remove chat room description and tags

Chat room description and tags may only be useful a first couple of times you come by a chat room. After that, they are just wasting space. To hide them from the view, you can install the following…

QuickComment2: Automatic keyboard-only comment snippets

This is a vastly improved version of QuickComment: comment shortcuts to cut down on tedium. See that post for more information. See the Github repo for instructions on how to install and use Quick…

Collection of time-saving bookmarklets for Stack Exchange sites

My Bookmarklets for Stack Exchange is a collection of 20+ simple bookmarklets for specific tasks that could be done through the interface, but would take longer. Some of them use API, others parse …

StackPaste - paste images into the text form instantly

tl;dr Github link (raw) Motivation I really like to accompany my questions with images, especially on sites like Graphic Design or Chemistry. Very often, my images are just annotated screenshots or…

Mark a flag as helpful with a message

Sparked by this comment Strictly-speaking, any moderator can leave a message along with Helpful, @Bill - there's just no UI for it. The following bookmarklet, when clicked after loading the …

Bookmarklet to show deleted messages in chat

The following bookmarklet lets mods and room owners see deleted messages in chat and chat transcripts. Useful for when a lot of messages have been deleting and picking through the ruins is proving …

SOAnswerDate - answer dates in user profiles!

Notice: This feature has been officially rolled out, and so this user-script is no longer necessary. It shall remain here, though, for reputation's sake :) Simply put, this adds answer dates to the…

Copy super-ping usernames

Based on the code from Copy Question Link Markdown, here's a script that gives moderators the possibility to copy chat-ready superpings from any question that is closed. This can be useful if you …

Killit - Bookmarklet to replace single images from the page

Bookmarklet that replaces any selected image on the page with: How to use. You first need to "install" the bookmarklet by visiting the project homepage and dragging the button to your bo…

v0.0.1, rlemon

IHaveBadges - A script to link your badges in the toolbar to your list of badges in your profile

This is a very simple script that transforms the list of badges in the toolbar to a link to the user's badges in his or her profile.

JSBeautifier shortcut

This userscript adds a shortcut (CTRL+SHIFT+B) to beautify the selected JavaScript code using the same engine that also runs You can find the source on GitHub (feel free to fork, …

Waffle vote counter

It is my firm belief that every +10 vote after reaching the repcap can be redeemed for free waffles{*}. I often hit the cap on MSO, and I like to see how many waffles SE Inc owes me. So I have a b…

Remove Delete-Favourite-Tag-Buttons Script

To help people not accidentally delete them, especially the short ones. (Also see the cause to get them removed permanentely) Sorry to not provide a file for download but i am sure you will manag…

Collapse interesting and ignored tags sections!

Are you annoyed by to large interesting/ignored tags sections? I've created a user script to collapsing it! Stack Ignore Collapse .user.js

Display a clock in the user bar

This user script adds a clock on the user bar next to the search box.

Change Unanswered tab to Review

This is (allegedly) going to be implemented by the team sometime anyway. But just in case, and so you can play with it, here is a script which replaces the 'Unanswered' tab with 'Review'. NEW - att…

Question Dashboard (Greasemonkey Script)

Question Dashboard for (plus meta, serverfault and superuser) - page analyzed and indicators shown at the top of the question, just under the title, for key information. Downloads…

Add link to network profile from chat profile

From a chat user profile you only have link to the parent site of a user. This script adds a link to the users network profile for easy access.

User style for mod strike

Tested in Stylus on Firefox. Hides review queue, downvote, VTC, VTD, delete, undelete, and flag buttons/links. /* ==UserStyle== @name ModStrike @namespace…

Load Anonymous feedback

Access to anonymous and low-rep post feedback This User script allows to view anonymous and low-rep post feedback/votes under the voting menu: You can get it from GitHub: Source Install What is an…

NATO tool link shortcut

This is a basic userscript which saves one click and some waiting time. If you are anxious like me and don't like to head over to the (10k) Tools page, wait for the page to load while chasing the e…

Voting Overcharged - A userscript for automatically voting on posts depending on various conditions

A userscript for automatically voting on posts depending on various conditions.

Magic Answer References - a userscript for making proper post referencing easier

Magic Answer References is a userscript making referring to other posts easier.

CollapsibleBanners - Save screen space when viewing questions

Collapses the closed banner to save screen space

User script to auto flag NLN (no longer needed) comments

The user script uses multiple search keyword combinations via RegEx to catch NLN (no longer needed) comments and send them to the chat room. Currently, the script is running in this room. License M…

Proper Tag Synonym Vote Buttons

Replace thumbs up/down tag synonym vote buttons with proper Stack Exchange vote buttons

Restore missing and/or obsolete Close-Vote Reasons

Adds easy buttons to fetch comment code and copy it to the clipboard.

Rejected Suggested Edits

Rejected Suggested Edits

You've Earned This Badge, but when and where?

You've Earned This Badge, but when and where? This userscript turns the checkmarks in the badge list (which indicate you've earned a specific badge) to links to your personal badge page, where you…

TACUC - The ATaco ChatExchange Userscript Collection

A collection of Userscripts focused around Stack Exchange's chat. To install these, you need TamperMonkey, although GreaseMonkey apparently works. GitHub Auto Chat Jax This userscript simply …

Show/Hide spoilers on any question (and its answers)

Allows per-question toggling of spoiler blocks

Here's a script to convert dates to local timezone in Stack Exchange sites

I have written this script: StackExchange sites - convert dates to local timezone . It applies to Stack Exchange sites, e.g. :,,, etc. The timezon…

Minimize chat input area − remove links and site logo, no auto width

Chat input area background takes up all the horizontal space it can get. It's time to stop this greedy nonsense! This script removes the width:auto rule and hides the site's logo and links at the r…

Icons for favorite tags

I have a lot of tags in my "favorite tags" and it got to the point where they span across like five lines, and it was just too bulky for my liking. So, I made a user-script that replaces the text l…

Hide Unnecessary Info in SE Chat

Hide Unnecessary or Cluttering Information in the Sidebar of an SE Chatroom Description A small userscript to help avoid clutter on the sidebar of any Stack Exchange chat room. The chat room will…

Alt Text to Hover Text

When you add an image using Markdown, you are allowed to enter a description: ![This is an image]( On Stack Exchange sites, this description is reserved for use as alt text …

View full image sizes on click

Inspired by a meta question, here's a script that makes every image in a post also open itself at full size in a new window/tab when clicked. It will ignore any images already manually linked. Pl…

Hide the Community Bulletin

Do you ever find yourself spending too much time on Meta and not enough time answering "real" questions? This script will hide links to per-site metas from the Community Bulletin, which is a main …

SEScripts - A Bunch of Scripts

The SEScripts Chrome Extension adds various userscripts all around Stack Exchange, combined in a simple suite.

Show length of code blocks (mainly for codegolf.SE)

Description This is a small userscript I made that shows the amount of characters in a code block above it. It is mainly for the site. Screenshot (This is just …

Fiddle IT - Instant Fiddles Userscript

Fiddle-IT A tiny & simple userscript for creating fiddles in seconds. Very handy for answering questions when you want to test the OP's code Usage Select some code on the page, then press on…

Enhanced Ctrl + L and URL templates for comments, answers and questions

Shortcut Ctrl + L to add links to a comment. Define URL templates to make it easier to insert links to documentation. Shortcut Ctrl + L to remove a link in a comment ([caret>|](link) -> caret>…

Review Queue Hider

This user script adds a button to each review queue to allow you to hide it. Useful if you don't want a certain queue popping to the top! Each Stack Exchange site holds its own settings too, so you…

Octal user reputation

Displays reputation in octal. This script is derived from Kip's Hexadecimal user rep. Download Install | View Source Platform Firefox 19.0.1 with Greasemonkey License Same as the original. Do whate…

User rename script

Keep tabs on the newest help vampires! This script was inspired by my not immediately spotting a help vampire - because of the user32984923874-style default name. It seemed like a good idea at t…

v1.0.0, Benjol

Japanese stack exchange localization

This script was originally created for the JLU (Japanese Language and Usage) site as part of the Creating as much Japanese interface as possible to be more inclusive of native Japanese speakers met…

Reputations for Today

Reputations for Today

View other OP posts in the Staging Ground

During the beta tests in the Staging Ground, there were some cases where the author wrote a posted a copy of the question that bypassed the Staging Ground process. This user script shows me the que…

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