Questions tagged [script]

Use this tag to post a userscript that operates on Stack Exchange sites and/or uses the Stack Exchange API. For questions about user scripting and Stack Exchange, or its API, use the [scripts] tag instead. Scripts are usually JavaScript and usually browser extensions/userscripts. For other tools, the [app] tag may be more appropriate.

374 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Indicate that a user is moderator or staff using icons

This script implements the suggestion from user1306322 to Add an immediately visible indication that a user is a staff member or an employee of SE, which was the original request that led to New St…

Stack Sidebar Time

Makes a binary clock based on the Stack Overflow logo appear in the sidebar

Reorderable favorite tags - drag & drop ordering for the Watched tag sidebar

maintain and customize the ordering of your favorite / Watched tags

VisualCrumbs - StackExchange Visual Changes

I created this script because I wanted to customize my personal use of Stack Overflow (And such Stack Exchange sites) to be more visually appealing to me and give me a little bit of functionality t…

Chat Move Helper / Bot Cleanup Tool

Extends the room-owner move message tool in chat to make it easier to move bot messages, replies to bot messages, and bot commands.

Stack Overflow link expander in Google Search

This userscript detects links to Stack Overflow when you Google something and shows the accepted/most-voted answer directly in the search page! From: To: To install, you'll need a userscri…

PPCG Design Userscript

A PPCG Userscript Redesign

PPCG Sandbox Viewer

A unified viewer for the PPCG sandbox

I don't want to be a mod

Ever earned the privilege "Access to moderator tools" and not really wanted it? A stylesheet for hiding deleted answers, as well as the review queue. For use with stylish. Customise to include the…

Stack Exchange Desktop Notifications

Below is a copy of Stack Exchange Notifications This userscript will make HTML5 notifications popup when something happens on a question that you have ope…

Auto-Load Vote Counts

This script automatically loads vote counts on sites where you have that privilege: Currently, you have to click on a vote score to see individual up/down counts, but this script loads them auto…

Stack Overflow app for Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1 and Android

About Windows Phone and Windows 8.1 don't have a Stack Overflow app and I would like to create one for both the platforms. Aim: To create an app that can be used to browse through the questions…

Click to Search

This simple userscript adds a clickable search button to the Stack Exchange top bar, as the only current way to search is to press enter, which can be confusing for some. You can select one of two…

Comment Saver - Unposted comments are saved between page loads

Simply stores unposted comments (using HTML5 localStorage) between page loads, so that if you leave the page you don't lose your comment. Currently a bit hacky, but it works. User Script: https:…

Tag Health: A question quality widget

Tag Health monitors the question quality of a given set of tags on a Stack Exchange site with a sample of about 500 most recent questions.

Greyscale MSE Favicon

[[OBSOLETE]] It's just easier to distinguish SE from meta.SE when one of them has a greyscale icon like a proper Meta should.

Code Golf SE answer sorter

Allows sorting answers by code length on Programming Puzzles & Code Golf Stack Exchange.

Edit summary options

Description Gives you little checkboxes above the edit summary with preset options like "formatted code" or "removed signature." Screenshots Userscript…

Always Be Closing

Gist: Description: A userscript that adds easy to reach and use buttons for the most common closure tasks. As configured, the butto…

Highlight Code in Chat - Highlights <code> elements contained in chat messages

Inspired by this question, I have developed a UserScript that highlights code elements in chat messages so that they stand out more on the page. Simply install the script and your messages will be …

Underlined post links

Underlines all links in questions, answers and comments on all Stack Exchange sites.

Stack Exchange - Deleted Answer Manager

Description This script hides the content of deleted answers (which are visible to 10k+ Stack Exchange users), injects a show content / hide content toggle in the answer's menu, and injects a visi…

Vertically Resizable Textareas

Makes Stack Exchange's textareas vertically resizable.

BrickJax: Brick Image Replacement for

A script that will allow users to easily insert images of Bricks, with or without links, and also links to sets on various listings sites via simple tags.

Make active tab default on StackApps

This script changes the logo link to the active tab and redirects from the home page to it on StackApps. If you want to see the list of apps, you can still do this by clicking the apps tab. Made by…

SE Toast/FancyOverlay Suppressor

StackExchange provides a variety of notices and toast messages, but sometimes they can get a bit annoying for experienced users. This UserScript adds a Proxy to the two helper functions which cause…

SE Header Fix userscript

Up to 200 characters of excerpt

Faster Answer Links

This is a convenience user script. It prevents page reloading when following links to answers that happen to be present on the same page, and to their comments; instead, it simply scrolls to the l…

DEPRECATED - Bookmark users - Fetch the list of users that bookmarked a question on any Stack Exchange website

This userscript no longer works because Stack Exchange has replaced bookmarks with "saves" in October 2022. Saves are private and so can't be queried via the Stack Exchange Data Explorer.…

The cute little blue box on flag dialogs

Based on Use the same location for Submit button in the comment flag dialog as in the post flag dialog which asked for the buttons to go on the right side, and Question Close Updates: Phase 1 which…

Bring back the layout!

Making the best out of screen real estate on Stack Exchange

Dark Mode 4 Chats

A userscript that adds Dark Mode to Stack Exchange Chats, while also allowing you to customize themes and colors!

View close votes, reopen votes, and delete votes with insufficient repuation

A userscript to view close/reopen/delete votes on all questions even with low reputation

Minimize pics in Chat

I made a script that allows you to minimize pictures, gifs, youtube preview, tweets or wikipedia articles. It's useful if you don't want the image to be always shown. For example at the office. …

Improved Tag Popup

adds links to view and edit the full tag information in new tag popup

StackOverflow CodeBox Options

This Tampermonkey script adds options to StackOverflow to expand answer box expand code box resize code font size widen the entire page remove sidebar Source:…

Markdown Shortcuts for StackExchange - insert latex commands quickly by keybindings

This userscript gives users quick key bindings to speed up the process of editing mathjax/chem/etc. into posts. Example usage: Pressing Alt+I would insert \pi directly. Pressing Alt+R would inse…

Reputation-based filter for search results

This userscript filters search results on Stack Exchange sites by reputation of the asker. To use it, add a search parameter such as is:25 where 25 is the minimum reputation required. Since the sea…

More Share Links (Markdown / HTML / BBCode)

Adds share links in additional formats (Markdown, HTML, and BBCode), and also lets you omit user ID from links. Integrates seamlessly into existing UI.

Stack Overflow Association Tools

Stack Overflow in English is the main landing site for developers from around the world, but not everyone of those developers knows English language, as a result, reducing understanding of content …

Links to Contributor Breakdown in stackoverflow documentation

A small userscript to insert links to the newly public "Contributor Breakdown" page for SO-Documentation's Topics and Examples. The script inserts a small hyperlink with text "CB&quo…

StackExchange MathJax Editing Improvements

This script is designed to improve the user experience while editing posts that include mathematical notation using MathJax. The editing code has not kept up with updates to MathJax, and so a numb…

Smoke the SmokeDetector

SmokeTheSmokeDetector Over in Tavern on the Meta, our spam detector, SmokeDetector has been the topic of an ongoing argument between those who believe SmokeDetector fills the chatroom, and those wh…

SmokePreview - A chat addon for the SmokeDetector

SmokePreview A Greasemonkey script to add a preview to chat messages of the SmokeDetector. Messages which are deleted while loading the preview will get a opacity of 50% to make clear that this is …

SE Comment Preview - An attempt to add real-time previewing for comments

This script creates a new live preview directly beneath any comment you compose or edit. When writing a comment with a lot of formatting, especially one containing some mathematical formulas, I of…

OBSOLETE - Enhanced Review

Obsolete: Install link is dead as well as the Source code link. This userscript adds voting options to the sidebar of Close Review and Low Quality Review of Stack Exchange sites, as well as Help &…

Roomba-VTZ (Vote-to-zero)

This user script collects the voting widgets for a question and its answers, and presents them at the top of the post for convenient and quick voting. The voting widgets will appear only on questi…

Stack Exchange Editor Extra: a userscript to add extra features to the Markdown Editor

Stack Exchange Editor Extra A userscript which adds extra features to the default SE Markdown Editor. Extra features: Insert code with Ace Editor (alt + a) Find & Replace (with modifiers) (…

Hide sites from Hot Network Questions section

Screenshot About The 'Hot Network Questions' section has questions from websites which are not very interesting for me so with this script you can: Hide questions from those websites Stop hi…

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