Questions tagged [script]

Use this tag to post a userscript that operates on Stack Exchange sites and/or uses the Stack Exchange API. For questions about user scripting and Stack Exchange, or its API, use the [scripts] tag instead. Scripts are usually JavaScript and usually browser extensions/userscripts. For other tools, the [app] tag may be more appropriate.

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Title Case All Question Titles Everywhere!

Because some like it like that: @namespace url(; @-moz-document regexp("*||||||…

Chat vertical window mode − hide the entire sidebar when window gets narrow

If you're trying to chat in a very narrow window, you probably don't need the sidebar anyway. And toggling that script every time is inconvenient. Now you can install this style: @media screen and…

Stack Exchange Editor Toolkit

This userscript is a revival of sorts for the old SE Editor Toolkit, which was abandoned some time ago. It only really provides the autocorrect aspect for the foreseeable future, which I find to b…

Porkchat: A Chrome extension with lots of chat tweaks!

Porkchat is a Chrome extension that bundles together a lot of scripts I have written for Stack Exchange chat over the years. It is fully configurable - each individual script can be enabled/disable…

PONIES: Hide unwelcome images in chat

Don't like it when chat is flooded with ponies? Too lazy to burn them all? You need PONIES: Protect Oneboxed Nuisance Images Everywhere Safely. All oneboxed images are displayed with 0.1 opacity u…

You've Earned This Badge, but when and where?

You've Earned This Badge, but when and where? This userscript turns the checkmarks in the badge list (which indicate you've earned a specific badge) to links to your personal badge page, where you…

SE Chat custom notification sound

Customize the notification sound played in the Stack Exchange chat

Image Proxier - Replace and collate images on StackOverflow

This will replace all links from ["", ""] with links from "" (by default, this can be changed relatively easy). This will …

Chat mass-unstar script

We from the Python room like to have a clean list of starred messages, so only relevant and really liked messages stay on the starred list forever. In order to do that, we unstar messages from time…

Why No Bounty? userscript

Inspired by this feature request by Shadow Wizard, I wrote a simple userscript (direct install link) which checks most of the reasons why you can't start a bounty, and displays that information on …

Reading time for each post

Some Question and Answers can get lengthy and you only know when you're going to spend too much time once you're half way. This userscript will add the approximate reading time at the top of each…

Search links (Stack, Google, Symbolhound) next to the search box, for tab opening

Add tab-openable search links (SO, Google, Symbolhound)

Editor buttons for injecting documentation links

Small user script (.user.js) that adds a few manual buttons. After selecting a word in the answer, the buttons can be used to transform it into a formatted documentation URL. The script tries to de…


Style any SE site like Stack Overflow

Hide all pointless user data (avatar, badges, and reputation)

Hide pointless user data on When I look at answers, I often take the user's reputation points into account on whether I upvote them or not. This is a terribly bad thing to do as yo…

Top-navigation choices

Top navigation your way. Add new top bar options: Move drop-down buttons (left, right, center); adjust height; add a dark theme for SO/MSO; merge site-switcher with logo; global sticky; and more.

StackTimer: Set post-specific timers on Stack Exchange sites

Set post-specific timers that notify you through the top bar of any Stack Exchange site.

v0.3.0, Aurora0001

SE Chat Modifications -- Keyboard navigation and commands for chat

Make chat even more awesome by adding in extensible commands and keyboard navigation

RepAdvisor - A Basic Tool For Farming Reputation

Almost all of us Stack Overflow users want to earn more reputation. However, we don't have all the time in the world to answer questions. RepAdvisor is a bookmarklet that predicts how much reputati…

Copy Question Link Markdown - Making it easier to copy links to questions!

This small UserScript makes it easier to copy the URL of the current question into pre-formatted Markdown. Once installed, it adds a 'copy' link to the question. License MIT License Download http:/…

Enhanced Review Stats for Reviews

SEReviewStats Provides enhanced stats on the Stack Exchange Review pages Close, Reopen, Late Answers, First Posts & Low Quality Posts Features Shows additional information on the Close, Reo…

Reputation-based filter for search results

This userscript filters search results on Stack Exchange sites by reputation of the asker. To use it, add a search parameter such as is:25 where 25 is the minimum reputation required. Since the sea…

Shrink the Stack Exchange Footer

All Stack Exchange sites (except Stack Overflow) have a giant footer: I don't like to have all of that space being taken up on my screen, so I built this user-style: /** * Copyright © 2016 Jed …

Chat Move Helper / Bot Cleanup Tool

Extends the room-owner move message tool in chat to make it easier to move bot messages, replies to bot messages, and bot commands.

Hide the tag-info popup

This script hides the tag info popup. In response to Why are there popups over tags in the question page?. Install View Source

Review Assistance 1.0

Review Assistance 1.0 is a script designed to help you review the Close Vote Queue and Reopen Vote Queue in Stack Overflow only. In future, we will look forward to add it's support to all SE sites.…

More Share Links (Markdown / HTML / BBCode)

Adds share links in additional formats (Markdown, HTML, and BBCode), and also lets you omit user ID from links. Integrates seamlessly into existing UI.

Top Bar for Chat Rooms

As of 1.12, thanks entirely to Shog9's efforts, this now works on Firefox as well as Chrome! Description: Provides a fully functional top bar, including realtime notifications, easy chat server …

v1.14.1, Jason C

Sidebar Answer Status

Modifies the Linked and Related sidebar lists to show answered status, up / down vote counts, and other info.

Bounty Notice Viewer - View the notice from Home page

Inspired by my own meta question: Show the bounty notice/reason on hover instead of “this question has an open bounty worth x reputation”, I created a userscript which helps to view the bounty noti…

RO Chat Message Delete Option

Gives room owners the ability to delete other users' chat messages from the message popup menu.

Clickable Links in Revision Comments

Turns URLs in revision history comments into clickable links.

Good looking, higher quality Stack Exchange flairs!

Higher quality flair for your Stack Exchange accounts. Want a flair like this? Or this: Or even this? It's easy! Simply use this URL: …

Make your own custom oneboxes for Chat!

Oneboxing is when you post a link to a supported site on SE Chat and it automatically shows extra information. An example is when you post a link to a question in Chat and it converts to the title,…

Always Be Closing

Gist: Description: A userscript that adds easy to reach and use buttons for the most common closure tasks. As configured, the butto…

Regional 12-hour timestamps

This script displays timestamps based on your timezone in 12-hour format. This is pretty convenient for anyone who doesn't want to convert UTC to their timezone. Requires Tampermonkey or Greasemonk…

ModColorFix for Chat

Just a very very simple userscript that changes the moderator usernames in chat from blue to green. Requested by and built for @doppelgreener on becoming a mod. Link to Github Repo Link to ins…

TACUC - The ATaco ChatExchange Userscript Collection

A collection of Userscripts focused around Stack Exchange's chat. To install these, you need TamperMonkey, although GreaseMonkey apparently works. GitHub Auto Chat Jax This userscript simply …

Force Edit suggested reviews

Review edits have the option to force edit, which will edit the original post, as opposed to improve which will edit the suggested edit. UserScript: // ==UserScript== // @name Force edit…

Stackuserflow - userscript collection

Script series to modify the functionality of the network sites. Before using them you should have: In Google Chrome install Tampermonkey In Firefox install GreaseMonkey In Opera install Tampermon…

SOClearChat -- Helpful Chat functions

A Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey script packing some helpful functions for Stack Overflow chat

StackOverflow Questions Remap (new nav)

Here's a quick userscript for Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey that lets you remap the Questions button in the new navbar (new as of 2017-02-14) to a different link. For example, if you like to read io…

Stack Overflow Association Tools

Stack Overflow in English is the main landing site for developers from around the world, but not everyone of those developers knows English language, as a result, reducing understanding of content …

Hat Overflow - Show number of Winterbash hats at a glance

Adds a Winterbash hat-count to every user's signature.

StackLinks, a URL to Markdown bookmarklet

In aggregating references, this is useful for wrapping a URL and the content of the <title> tag into Markdown: javascript:void(function so_link(){window.prompt('',String().concat("* [",docum…

ChatBot, a bot. For the chat

Lurks in the shadows of the chat. It executes commands at the request of the user, sending messages as the user who runs it. You can talk to it the StackOverflow SandBox room if you want to play (…

v0.0.0, Zirak

Copy post content as markdown -- quick and easy way to quote people!

This is a userscript that converts the selected text to Markdown and allows you to quickly copy it. It is mainly useful for when copying from comments on posts, where you want to quote the user, or…

Test script for API key (placeholder)

Up to 200 characters of excerpt

(placeholder) A userscript to show the reputation of users on the "Filtered Questions" stackoverflow page

On the 'Filtered Questions' page of Stackexchange, I see a list of questions for the tags that I am interested in (or for a specific filter created by me). This list of questions shows the name of …

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