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9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Chat Easy Input Tools - Provides keyboard shortcuts for common text formatting commands

Provides keyboard shortcuts for common text formatting commands, reducing the dependency on mouse usage. Current version does not have a configurable set of hotkeys but later versions will. How to…

v0.1.50, rlemon

Markdown Shortcuts for StackExchange - insert latex commands quickly by keybindings

This userscript gives users quick key bindings to speed up the process of editing mathjax/chem/etc. into posts. Example usage: Pressing Alt+I would insert \pi directly. Pressing Alt+R would inse…

JSBeautifier shortcut

This userscript adds a shortcut (CTRL+SHIFT+B) to beautify the selected JavaScript code using the same engine that also runs You can find the source on GitHub (feel free to fork, …

Enhanced Ctrl + L and URL templates for comments, answers and questions

Shortcut Ctrl + L to add links to a comment. Define URL templates to make it easier to insert links to documentation. Shortcut Ctrl + L to remove a link in a comment ([caret>|](link) -> caret>…

Comment keyboard shortcuts

This userscript adds keyboard shortcuts to StackExchange comments. The default ones are: Ctrl+B (bold), Ctrl+I (italic), Ctrl+K (code), and Ctrl+L (link). You can yourself extend this with more cus…

White keyboard highlighting in dark mode

Description This changes highlighting from using keyboard shortcuts to use white instead of black. Allows actually seeing the highlighting noticeable in high contrast mode. The userstyle only works…

Fix keyboard shortcuts for navigating lists

Description Inspired from Support paging keyboard shortcuts in NAtOQ 10k-tools and Support paging keyboard shortcuts in Staging Ground. Currently several places that show a paged list of items do n…

NATO(Q) keyboard navigation for pages

THIS HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY Fix keyboard shortcuts for navigating lists WHICH ADDRESSES THIS AND OTHER KEYBOARD SHORTCUT ISSUES Description Inspired from Support paging keyboard shortcuts in NAtOQ …

Keyboard navigation to "my profile"

Description Inspired from Keyboard shortcut to go to profile page is broken. Currently keyboard navigation for visiting your own profile does not work. This adds the necessary class in the document…