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5 votes
1 answer

How to increase app request quota from 300 to 10,000?

In the app management page for a little app I made, the following statement is presented below this key Pw9D)judG8FE4tJR3qjUTA((: Pass this as key when making requests against the Stack Exchange ...
m-a-r-c-e-l-i-n-o's user avatar
2 votes
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Stack Exchange API not realtime?

I was testing the inbox/unread API but noticed that there is a big delay between one gets a message, and this message gets included in the API response. Like one minute or more. Is this API not real-...
zavié's user avatar
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What's an example of the backoff field? Is there some way I can simulate it to test appropriate behavior?

In reading about the API rate limiting, the documentation talks about a method responding with an ominous backoff field, and states that the client should cease from calling that method for that many ...
Conrad.Dean's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

The API Key does not work

I have registered an app at, got a Key right away after I have submitted. But now when I request, I got ...
YOU's user avatar
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Is it possible to access data in real-time using the Stack Exchange API?

I want to show an animation of: Questions being asked and answered in the most popular tag Comments being posted New users joining All in real time. Is there access to real-time data?
Rakesh Adhikesavan's user avatar
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Is it okay to just send the API key (without implementing oauth-2 login)?

I'm writing a small Android app that issues customizable queries and displays the results in a read-only format. I might implement oauth-2 in a future version, but want to leave it out of version 1.0 (...
Rapunzel Van Winkle's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

rate-limit per endpoint per IP VS. server apps in hosted environments

I was wondering if the scenario of a server based app that lives in a hosted environment, where a single IP can be shared by many web sites. As I understand the rate-limit as it stands, every site on ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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How to increase the allowed number of API calls?

Stack Exchange provides the possibility to do a limited number of API calls per day from the same IP (10,000 if the customer registers the app). Is it possible to get that number increased?
Anton's user avatar
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