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Looking for an application which alerts about new questions under a particular topic

I've installed StackApplet, but it only tracks the reputation of a particular user. Is there an application which tracks new questions under a particular topic, and notifies (in system tray) when ...
Kiril Kirilov's user avatar
4 votes
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API response doesn't indicate the nature of a rejected question POST

I have a question, which I post to Stack Overflow. The addition of the answer gets rejected and I know that it is due to the fact that I used the tag coredata rather than core-data. When I do this on ...
Besi's user avatar
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3 votes
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What's the proper way to fetch the score of all answers of SO?

I wrote a small program querying the SE API to grab the public scoring data of all SO answers (excluding the last 3 days). Basically the request I do gets me this: Questions[]: Id Title ...
Denys Séguret's user avatar
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Is there any app that could extract and manage questions from Stack Overflow?

I'm looking for help with a Stack Overflow application that could do the following things for me: Extract the top voted questions at a given date and tag Extract the answered questions of some given ...
Mazdak's user avatar
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How do I access the greatest hits (questions) via API v2.2.?

The greatest hits (questions) of any stack exchange site (say stack overflow) can be found by visiting the below URL: I would want to access these ...
defau1t's user avatar
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Randomly getting an 404 no method error when calling the question endpoint

When calling the question endpoint for a given number of communities, I have been randomly getting the following error: {"error_id":404,"error_message":"no method found with ...
mason-lancaster's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I show recently answered questions and answers in my blog site?

I would like to showcase some of my Stack Exchange answers in my blog site. I couldn't find a relevant post on how to implement this. Also, from what I can see, in order to use the API a user needs ...
Rajeev K Tomy's user avatar
2 votes
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400 when posting a question to the Stackexchange API

I am adding a question via the API and I manage to create a preview of my question (See JSON extract below). { "has_more" = 0; items = ( { "creation_date" = ...
Besi's user avatar
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When are Stack Apps questions shown with thumbnails instead of regular statistics?

Today I was browsing a tag here and I noticed that on the first pages, all questions are shown with thumbnails (most of the time, just the default one): However, from page 5 on the formatting is like ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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How to determine if a question is hot?

I know that I can get all hot question by sorting it like this: /2.2/questions?order=desc&sort=hot&site=stackoverflow Likewise, I'm not quite sure if other sortings like activity also ...
Norbert Bartko's user avatar
1 vote
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Get all questions of a particular tag in API 2.2 in PHP

I'm trying to get all the questions for documentation on Meta Stack Overflow in PHP. The code I'm using is as follows: <?php $feed = file_get_contents('
Panda's user avatar
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Bounty question collector

I want to write a script to collate all bounty questions from all Stack Exchange sites. I have heard of Tampermonkey and I have no server access. Could someone explain how I should go about writing a ...
JMP's user avatar
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A step by step approach for posting questions and answers?

I am trying to learn a step by step approach for posting questions and answers on using the Stack Exchange API. Could someone help me with this?
Anand Kamathi's user avatar
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Procedure for posting questions using the API, v2.2?

I want use one of the Stack Exchange V2.2 API (e.g. /questions/add) to post Stack Overflow questions from my website. I didn't find any app which is currently using the API for posting questions. As ...
user2621858's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Why API Version 2.2 returns null always while getting questions list?

The below 2 codes returns null always. How to get the list of questions using API Version 2.2? Question thisPost = context.Official .StackApps .Questions.ById(1) .WithComments(true) .First(); var ...
Melody's user avatar
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