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90 votes
2 answers

How to list your application/library/wrapper/script here

If you've created an application, script, or library for use on the Stack Exchange network, that's fantastic! Now publicize it by creating a question with the correct tag: app
140 votes
3 answers

API "Hello World" code

The Stack Exchange API is based on HTTP and URLs, just like the web page you're browsing now. Except instead of HTML, the responses are all in JSON. Let's say we wanted to call the /info method: https:...
6 votes
1 answer

How to strip out certain fields from the Stack Exchange API, JSON response?

I want to fetch all my favorite questions on and dump them as JSON. I used this API path: /2.1/users/1310070/favorites?fromdate=1382486400&site=stackoverflow But it is ...
Sachin Jain's user avatar
27 votes
1 answer

My app has to be published first? But it's still under development

Okay, I want to build an App that allows me to create questions on Stack Exchange. I registered it here on Stack Apps but now when I want to create a question I get this message: { "error_message": ...
Besi's user avatar
  • 533
32 votes
1 answer

Looking for a beginner's tutorial to using the API

I see the Stack Exchange API but I'm unable to understand it. I don't think there is any fundamental tutorial showing how to use Stack Overflow fully in the API documentation. I want some fundamental ...
Ranjit's user avatar
  • 423
15 votes
1 answer

I only need a key, what do I do?

I'm told by others and read in Looking for a beginner's tutorial to using the API that I need "To Get A Key!" but when I then visit I'm stil ...
rene's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

Conscientious use of the API

What constitutes abuse? Making an undue number of requests in a short span of time, or regularly exceeding a request quota during "normal" use. Guidelines for polling We realize that a great ...
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Complete list of sites to @include / @match into my script?

This question aims to serve as a reference list of all current Stack Exchange sites for use in scripts.
Danny Beckett's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Unable to get access token

I am trying to get a non-expiry access token, like so:{{some_uri}}&client_id={{some_value}} I am repeatedly getting the error: ...
user34257's user avatar
  • 185
12 votes
2 answers

Can the redirect_uri contain port number?

Is it possible to have the redirect_uri contain a specific port? For example: Assuming that is my registered domain, is the 8080 allowed? I have tried to put it as part ...
Andy's user avatar
  • 417
6 votes
1 answer

URL Length Limit For For Requests Taking Vectorised Ids (/answers/{id}, /questions/{id}, etc)

I am trying to use /questions/{id} API to get a list of questions by their ids. Help page for this request does not indicate the maximum number of ids that can be passed in. Pagesize is maximum 100, ...
Igor Zevaka's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

List of Votes by Authenticated users

In the API documentation for the question type, it says that you can access, for a specific question, whether or not the authenticated user (in the private_info scope) upvoted/downvoted the question. ...
Nick Peterson's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can not request info after OAuth

I am following The implicit OAuth 2.0 flow Guide: My client ID is 4709 while key is RoZwtHUrhMP088oVGCMlxA(( I appended my URL as:
Zigii Wong's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to create API filters?

I used the following request link to extract data from the Stack Exchange API. But I have no idea how to create "filter" as used in the request line. Please help me understand the creation of such ...
Manish Bhanu's user avatar
30 votes
1 answer

Announcing API version 1.1 and Roadmap

As has been announced on the blog, we're rolling out a minor revision of our existing read-only API. While the blog post gives some high level details, I figured [app] developers would appreciate some ...
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
23 votes
5 answers

Google App Engine [app]s - We are all on the same quota!

Noticing a couple of "This IP has exceeded the request-per-day limit" errors on StackPrinter log, I asked for a verification and the prompt answer was: There are a number of [app]s using Google ...
systempuntoout's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Getting "application not configured for implicit grants" error trying to setup website

I had a developer setup StackExchange auth for a site last year and that still works fine. I have cloned that site and am in the process of changing out all of the relevant names and keys to the new ...
Lizza's user avatar
  • 193
9 votes
1 answer

Is there any support for Area 51 in the new API?

Does the new API support Area 51? Will there be support in the future?
asheeshr's user avatar
  • 193
8 votes
1 answer

How can I quickly get an access token for personal use?

Registering your application or script gets you a higher daily quota and is fairly simply; a step by step guide is documented here: I only need a key, what do I do? However, what if I do want an ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How to make a Stack Exchange API call, using my key

I have a Meteor application and I'm making API calls like: var urlString = ""+surl; ("GET", urlString, {params:{site:"stackoverflow"}}, function (...
Sasikanth's user avatar
  • 183
7 votes
3 answers

How do I find a user based upon email hash?

I'm looking for specific guidance on how to locate a user on SO by email address. I'll use this information to work with the API and determine how many points they have on the site.
makerofthings7's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to increase app request quota from 300 to 10,000?

In the app management page for a little app I made, the following statement is presented below this key Pw9D)judG8FE4tJR3qjUTA((: Pass this as key when making requests against the Stack Exchange ...
m-a-r-c-e-l-i-n-o's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to get Question/Answer body in the API response using filters?

I am specifically looking to get the question/answer body back. Is it possible? I am looking through the API documentation and I'm confused about how to make a call with filters. Sample call I'm ...
Shyju's user avatar
  • 133
9 votes
3 answers

Stack Exchange userscript template / boilerplate

I find it annoying to have to type the entire list of Stack Exchange sites to include every single time I make a new userscript. Furthermore, jQuery isn't automatically included by default. Is there ...
Doorknob's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

My registered apps are not showing in my profile; where can I find them?

I registered two apps in Stack Apps, but when I access my account, it shows no registered apps. How can I mark them as my apps and how can access app settings (client id, key), etc?
user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

OAuth procedure for standalone user?

Background: I will be using the Stack Exchange API to make queries to stack overflow for a list of questions along with their details for a particular month etc for analysis purposes. So this would be ...
Viraj's user avatar
  • 173
6 votes
1 answer

Does a closed and/or deleted Stack Apps post still provide access to the API?

Registering your application as a Stack Apps app is necessary in order to obtain a higher request quota, authentication and write access to the API. What happens if the question is closed because of ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Can revisions be returned from the API, filtered by user?

I see that question or answer revisions can be returned from the API either by post ID or by GUID. I'd like to obtain this data filtered by user, e.g. "all revisions made by user X". However, I ...
halfer's user avatar
  • 293
4 votes
1 answer

Javascript SDK channelUrl for local development [duplicate]

I am trying to get started with the Javascript SDK. I am developing on a web server on my local machine. I get a channelUrl-related error when calling SE.init. My code: SE.init({ clientId: ...
joews's user avatar
  • 149
4 votes
1 answer

How do I parse the dates from the API?

I see that JSON returned by the API contains dates in the following format: "creation_date":1364546475 ^^^^^^^^^^ What's the meaning of it? How can I parse it to get the date in the ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to access my App info

I've registered for an app yesterday, but I'm not finding where should I go to see/edit its info again. I've search through profile, at but couldn't find it.
Caio Cunha's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to search answers like is:answer

How can I use the API to search for answers containing particular text or with particular properties? For example, this link allows me to search for is:answer foo, that is, answers containing foo. Can ...
elixenide's user avatar
  • 173
2 votes
1 answer

Implicit Flow Isn't Redirecting

I'm using the WebAuthenticationBroker to allow users to log in to their account: var accessToken = ""; var uri = "
RareNCool's user avatar
  • 201
2 votes
1 answer

Stack Exchange API not realtime?

I was testing the inbox/unread API but noticed that there is a big delay between one gets a message, and this message gets included in the API response. Like one minute or more. Is this API not real-...
zavié's user avatar
  • 203
20 votes
3 answers

Is there an API to upload images to SE's imgur installation?

Is there an API for uploading images to the StackExchange-specific imgur installation? I could use the main imgur site, but they don't keep the images indefinitely. Use case: It would be ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
  • 315
15 votes
4 answers

Prevent that posts tagged with app or library enter Community Wiki mode when the owner edits it 8 times

I've edited my App 8 times and my question has switched automatically to Community Wiki (I'm aware that it's reported in the faq). The main reason of these many edits is my shaky english, but I can ...
systempuntoout's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

How the /sites method is meant to be used

The /sites method is used to enumerate all sites in the network. If your [app] is meant to run against more than a single site (and many are) this method is how you should be discovering new sites in ...
11 votes
1 answer

Should we add a "this site is not affiliated to Stack Overflow.." disclaimer to our website app?

I've checked legal section but it does not say anything specific of this aspect apart from: Do feel free to explain that your product is built on the Stack Exchange platform so people understand your ...
systempuntoout's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

What exactly is a valid OAuth domain name for registering your app?

I'm starting to write a native Android client for Stack Overflow, and wondering what exactly is a valid OAuth domain name? Is it the package name of my app? Or do I have to point it to a server ...
CodeRed's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How to delete apps in StackApps?

I have registered an app in Stack Apps. I am trying to delete it, but unable to find the solution. Is there a way to delete it?
amit jha's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

sorting ascending vs descending

I don't understand the difference between ascending and descending? Surely ascending means the most active/recent/popular/A first, and descending means the least active/recent/popular/Z first? But it ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Url length limits have been increased

There's been some grumbling in the past about the unreliability of really ludicrously long URLs sent to the API. We've always considered this suboptimal, but the underlying technical constraints (...
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Get reputation changes across all sites without querying each one individually

I'm looking to make an app that shows your reputation changes throughout the network. /me/reputation-history/full almost accomplishes this, but it's on a per-site basis. I only want one query to get ...
user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Prefered way to retrieve all search results

I'm trying to figure out a reliable way to retrieve all the results from a search query (in subsequent pages. My use case includes cases with more than 100 results (the maximum page size). Looking at ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Getting started: /users/{id} [duplicate]

I am trying to get the amount of reputation that a user has. I have established that I need to use this url:
Mattios550's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What's an example of the backoff field? Is there some way I can simulate it to test appropriate behavior?

In reading about the API rate limiting, the documentation talks about a method responding with an ominous backoff field, and states that the client should cease from calling that method for that many ...
Conrad.Dean's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Platforms Supported by the API and Response Compression

What platforms are supported for use with the Stack Exchange API? In short, anything that can make a GET request to the API servers and supports JSON/JSONP & GZIP. (JavaScript, Python, PHP, Java, ...
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to programmatically access chat?

I'm thinking about starting a project where I'd like to have access to the "chat" feature of the stack exchange sites. I saw this project: IRC access for the chat? But I don't believe that it works ...
agent86's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

The API Key does not work

I have registered an app at, got a Key right away after I have submitted. But now when I request, I got ...
YOU's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

API compliant request throttle implementations

Balancing compliance with Request Throttling Limits with maximum allowable throughput in our applications and libraries with any reliability requires self-throttling. This post is meant to be a repo ...