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OBSOLETE - Soapi.CS : A fully relational fluent .NET Stack Exchange API client library
A robust, fully relational, easy to use, strongly typed, end-to-end StackOverflow API Client Library. Out of the box, Soapi provides you with a robust client library that abstracts away most all of…
OBSOLETE - Soapi.JS : fluent JavaScript client library for the Stack Exchange API
Soapi.js is a compact single file, self-containted, self-documenting, intuitive and easy to use fluent JavaScript wrapper with full coverage of the Stack Overflow API. Soapi.js is unobtrusive and…
StackWrap4J Java wrapper
StackWrap4J is a Java wrapper for the Stack Exchange API. It is designed to be easy to use, and intuitive to learn while providing the full functionality of the API. License StackWrap4J is avail…
Stack Exchange Java client library
A Java client library that wraps the Stack Apps API. The library uses the newer Jersey REST processing that will eventually become part of the Java platform. Change Log Version 0.9 Added suppor…
OBSOLETE - so++ - C++ Library
so++ is an object-oriented wrapper for the StackOverflow API. It currently uses libcurl and jsoncpp. The .zip file includes examples, though they need the API key replaced. License so++ is rele…
OBSOLETE - - Python Stack Overflow library
This is a simple Python module providing functions for querying Stack Overflow. I created it mostly because I was interested and because I wanted something small (it's not even 400 lines). It's sim…