All Questions
Obsolete - StackTack, a JavaScript widget you can stick anywhere
StackTack is a widget for bloggers and writers to easily tack questions and answers from the Stack Exchange sites such as Stack Overflow, Server Fault and Super User, into their articles. The widge…
Flack Overstow - Generate spam from Stack Exchange posts
Flack Overstow is a toy, written in Python 2.6 (but should be compatible with 2.5 -- let me know if it's not). It pulls the latest questions or answers or comments for a given user ID and creates a…
OBSOLETE - Six to Eight: An iPhone client
Six to Eight no longer functions, and has been discontinued. This is due to the shutdown of the v1 SE API. Given that SE has now developed their own iOS client, I don't see myself updating Six to …
SymbolHound: Search Stack Overflow for special characters
See SymbolHound is was a search engine that doesn't ignore special characters. I was always frustrated that I couldn't search for symbols like >> and && using Google o…
StackFlair - **Defunct** Generate flair for your Stack Exchange associated accounts
There have been several requests on Meta Stack Overflow for a way to get a combined flair similar to what is shown on Area 51. I took a "I want it, I'll make it" approach. Thus becam…
OBSOLETE - Droidstack for Android - now with chat support! [closed]
Droidstack is an Android app that allows you to browse Stack Exchange websites in a very cool, native kind of way, while keeping a Stack Overflow-like look & feel. The API functionali…
OBSOLETE - Elections Statistics page for Stack Exchange sites
The Stack Exchange Elections Statistics Page is a simple single-page website that displays information on election candidates participating in the Stack Exchange 2011 Moderator Elections.
OBSOLETE - New Q! - Google Chrome Extension notifies you of new questions of interest and inbox messages
New Q! is a Google Chrome browser extension that notifies you whenever: Someone asks a question that interests you Someone comments on your question Someone comments on your answer You receive a …
OBSOLETE - Stack2Blog - Turning your answers into blogs (For "sale")
Stack2Blog for Sale Hi everyone! Since we're working on a few other projects, we haven't worked on Stack2Blog in a while. We still think it can be useful, especially with the rise of platforms like…
OBSOLETE - Stack Exchange Notifier Chrome Extension
Stack Exchange Notifier is a handy extension for Google Chrome browser that displays your current reputation, badges on Stack Exchange sites and notifies you on reputation's changes. You will now g…
OBSOLETE - StackAnywhere - A Stack Exchange client for Android
An Android StackExchange client featuring home screen widget, new answer notifications, search and more.
OBSOLETE - StackTrace for iPad
StackTrace for iPad is now available in the App Store No longer in the iTunes store. With StackTrace, we have taken a unique approach to consuming Stack Exchange content. Instead of focusing on fi…
OBSOLETE - ChatSEy - An Android App for SE Chat
Completely overhauled styles, including default and dark themes Reply to, star and flag messages Slide-out Sidebar for easy menu/star list access Tweaks to make typing easier (including Return -> S…
OBSOLETE - Stack Favorites: A basic organizer of your Stack Overflow favorites
A basic organizer of your Stack Overflow favorites.
OBSOLETE - Stackwise: a beautiful way to browse Stack Exchange sites
Stackwise is a new way of interacting with Stack Overflow, Super User, and all your favourite Stack Exchange sites.
OBSOLETE - A Stack of Twits - Tweeting all over your stack
About I am fed up sitting all day refreshing the home page waiting for that elusive question on symfony that I can answer and who uses RSS these days? So using tags and massive fonts you can now g…
OBSOLETE - StackCenter - your one-stop app for everything Stack Exchange
StackCenter is a website designed to make keeping track of all your accounts easier. Simply enter your username from one of the sites and you're good to go! You can then view your personal page tha…
OBSOLETE - StackImage - Generating Images of Questions and Users [Now with Global Flair!]
StackImage is an image-generating service designed to create an image given a set of parameters. Currently, StackImage can generate an image that contains some of your profile information. The adva…
OBSOLETE - SOAPI-WATCH: A realtime service that notifies subscribers via Twitter when the API changes in any way
Obsolete: This app no longer works. It uses a version of the API that was decommissioned in May of 2014. Links and the domain are also long dead. SOAPI-WATCH This post was one of the two that …
OBSOLETE - Stack Insight - Track a User's Activity Over all Stack Sites
Web application to show how all a user has been involve in the different stack sites over time. Just enter your username on the web page and you'll see a couple of views on how your interest (aski…
OBSOLETE - soapi-notify : Stay ahead of the pack with new question notification V1 release
Obsolete: This app no longer works. It uses a version of the API that was decommissioned in May of 2014. soapi-notify Stay ahead of the pack soapi-notify is an easy to use windows app…
OBSOLETE - Swatch: A Firefox plugin for monitoring Stack Exchange sites for interesting changes
A Firefox extension that lets you monitor your account activity on any Stack Exchange site that support the Stack Apps API. Automatically refreshes on a set interval to display your latest stats. …
OBSOLETE - SOStacked: Stack Exchange iPhone client
Stack Exchange iPhone client. Search questions, subscribe to a tag set, view user profiles and more. Available on the AppStore.
OBSOLETE - SOAPI-EXPLORE: Self-updating single page JavaSript API test harness
SOAPI-EXPLORE this post was one of the two that were listed regarding SOAPI. For a full overview of the SOAPI eco-system see What is SOAPI and why should I care? For a more robust API discovery to…
OBSOLETE - StackAd - An Easy Way to Display Open-Source Ads on Your Site/Blog
StackAd pulls the answers from this question that have 6 or more upvotes and displays a random ad in the box. The code is provided as a .js file you can embed in your pages. The instructions are he…
OBSOLETE - Stack Overflow ebooks for Kindle
These books contain the top questions from a selection of the top tags on Stack Overflow. The top questions include those with a score of 10 or greater.
OBSOLETE - Stackie - A Stack Exchange client for the Universal Windows Platform
Browse your favorite questions and answers on the myriad of topics across the entire Stack Exchange network with Stackie - a Stack Exchange client for the Universal Windows Platform.
OBSOLETE - SkillRep - experiment in computing a skill focused reputation
Update: Now offline/closed. See the answer, below. Reputation, on the Stack Overflow Site, is mostly a measure of a user's contribution. That's fine but sometimes, when looking at a user you enc…
OBSOLETE - SOREP: Trilogy Site Ranking - For those who need to know
Note, all of the app links, below, are dead. And the domain is parked. SOREP is a service that does a nightly index of all users ordered by reputation and makes that information available vi…
OBSOLETE - Search Stack Exchange Network of Q&A sites instantly with SEInstant
#Obsolete - Site long dead; no source code available. Was written for decommissioned version of the API. About Stack Exchange search results are now fast, faster, instant! :) Following on the heel…
OBSOLETE - SOAPI-DIFF: Your app broke? Check SOAPI-DIFF to find out what changed in the API
OBSOLETE - the website is down. SOAPI-DIFF Soothe your beta api blues with a DIFF view of the entire API compared to the last changed version. Instantly identify added/removed/changed el…
OBSOLETE - StackBerry application for BlackBerry
I created this app because I always wanted to create an open source application. But I never had an idea on what to do. So I used my skill in BlackBerry development to build an app with the API pro…
OBSOLETE - StackX - Android application for Stack Exchange (Free) (UI and optimization upgrade)
Update: 4/15/2013: Screenshots updated according to latest layout An android application that will allow the user to browse through all of stack exchange websites using API v2.1. Browse any of…
OBSOLETE - Dragon: an automatic editor
Dragon is a 2k tool largely meant to edit specific types of posts on Stack Overflow, because doing it manually is a ridiculous waste of time - by the time you edit one, there's two new ones to take…
OBSOLETE - StackBook - let your Online Community friends know what you're doing on Stack Overflow
StackBook helps mashup service for you let your Online Community (right now only Facebook) friends know what you're doing on Stack Overflow. License MSPL Access Beta…
OBSOLETE - Official Stack Overflow iOS App
Stack Overflow is the can’t-code-without-it site where professional and enthusiast programmers ask their toughest questions and get answers from their peers. Learn, share and level up — on the go —…
OBSOLETE - StackImage 2 - Create Your Own Unique Custom Flair!
StackImage 2 makes it simple to create your very own unique user flair that can be customized to an unprecedented degree. The visual editor allows you to drag and drop components onto your flair.
OBSOLETE - Stack Addict: Always-on StackExchange question viewer (Chrome Extension)
Pump up your StackExchange rep with this always-accessible question viewer widget. Filter and sort questions by activity, creation, unanswered, and tags. Supports 80+ StackExchange sites.
OBSOLETE - Stack Up for iOS (1.0.1)
Stack Up is now available on the App Store. Stack Up is a Stack Exchange client for iOS (4.0 only at the moment, but I'm working on adding iPad support). You can learn a little more about it here,…
OBSOLETE - ProStack Lite - Stack Overflow inbox notifier and quick accessor for OS X (in Mac App Store)
Tired of manually checking for new answers and comments? Ever wished to access the new Stack Overflow questions with one click? ProStack Lite is the solution. ProStack …
OBSOLETE -, track all your statistics, reputation and badges in one place (now also supports coderwall)
Time to collect your achivies Achivy adds some fun to your life. It supports Stack Overflow and all Stack Exchange applications, GitHub,Coderwall Ohloh as well as many other applications to your pr…
OBSOLETE - Stacktistics: Show recent popular languages, mobile platforms and web techs based on question counts
You may wonder what kind of languages, mobile platforms, or web technologies are most popular these days. stacktistics answers these questions based on Stack Overflow question counts.
OBSOLETE - Code Consultant: Jabber bot to help you work through your coding problems
Have you ever noticed that simple act of describing a problem you can't get past to a co-worker will help you solve the problem, even if they don't say a thing? The Code Consultant Bot is based on …
OBSOLETE - Soapi.Explore (silverlight) - The entire API at your command
Soapi.Explore SL is a Silverlight based annotated test harness for the Stack Exchange API. All API methods and parameters are fully supported. Features: Sites are updated automatically - you may q…
OBSOLETE - StackAd Scroller
StackAd Scroller is a small web application that scrolls the open source ads from this Meta question. It is highly configurable and makes a nice page to leave your web browser open to. It would als…
OBSOLETE - Code::Trends - a visualization of the StackOverflow dataset
Code::Trends is an interactive analysis of a dataset taken from StackOverflow, including: visualization of the technologies trends by time and location recommendation for similar technologies rec…
OBSOLETE - GeeQe - Native Stack Overflow client
The Geek Question Explorer is a Native Stack Overflow iPhone Application. GeeQe has been updated to use the Stack Exchange API for everything except search results. I am looking for some feedback o…
OBSOLETE - Stacklipse - Eclipse plugin preview
Stacklipse is an eclipse plugin that utilizes Stack Apps API to provide a search view in Eclipse. Currently just provide a prototype preview. Screenshot License EPL Download…
OBSOLETE - CodeChirp - Twitter like post-aggregator and stalker webapplication
CodeChirp is a twitter-like web-based question/answer/comment aggregator, that queries Stack Exchange sites, and shows the results as twitter-like posts. People can subscribe to users, tags, badges…
OBSOLETE - RoboStack: A Google Wave robot for the Stack Exchange API
Unlike a Jabber/XMPP robot, this application is a Google Wave robot that takes full advantage of the rich media functionality offered by Google Wave. This robot is a simple question-answering syste…