Questions tagged [jsonp]

For questions where the use of the API requires JSON with Padding (JSONP) to work around cross-domain Ajax limitations.

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2 votes
1 answer

How to use the Stack Exchange API in PhoneGap?

I want to write a program using PhoneGap. How can I use the Stack Exchange API in PhoneGap?
0 votes
2 answers

Ajax get questions by tags ERROR

i'm trying getting questions by tags. this is my simple code and i'm running this from my http://localhost: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $.ajax({ url:'http://api....
7 votes
2 answers

Am I accessing the API correctly?

When running the code $.getJSON('', function(data) { // Do some stuff here.... }); I get the error Failed to load resource Am I accessing this ...
2 votes
1 answer

Best way to calculate total badge count in Javascript?

I'm using Javascript and JSONP and want to find-out a user's total badge-count (i'm not using any libraries). At first I naively added up the badge counts individually, but some user's have no badges....
6 votes
1 answer

API Suggestion: suppress http error code when jsonp is specified

Conclusion: fast response by Kevin enables the JSONP functionality of the API to assume it's rightful description of awesome. The JSONP functionality ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to use the stackapps API from JavaScript with XMLHttpRequest or XDomainRequest?

I had an idea for an app that required calling the stackapps API from JavaScript, but when I started prototyping it I quickly found out that the API does not allow cross origin requests. This means ...