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5 votes
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How can I implement a method to call the SE API that handles backoff correctly?

I'm writing JavaScript (Node.js) code that calls the Stack Exchange API. One part of the API is that it may return a non-zero value for backoff, which essentially means "wait n seconds before ...
cocomac's user avatar
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Getting 405 when trying to post a comment

I'm trying to post a comment to The API Sandbox, I did one using the interactive documentation, but when trying to use my own code, it doesn't work. Instead, I get status code 405 (Method not allowed) ...
MrMythical's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I actually begin to code, in Node, using the Stack Exchange API?

I am a noob at coding, so forgive me for this rather trivial question. I am trying to make a program that can access the Stack Exchange API. Specifically I want to make a program that gets live ...
Pritt Balagopal's user avatar