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3 votes
1 answer

Where is it acceptable to store an access_token?

Obviously it isn't safe to broadcast any access_token to the public, especially those which are defined with no expiry date. It would also be considered a security issue if a list of registered access ...
Lakshya Raj's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to analyze and debug Stack Exchange's Javascript?

When writing userscripts, I often want to be able to look at what Stack Exchange's Javascript is doing. Getting to the code that the browser runs is easy enough - in the Network tab, I can see network ...
CertainPerformance's user avatar
5 votes
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StackExchange API JS SDk

I am planning to write a javascript library as a wrapper over StackExchange API. Currently, every webapp using StackExchange api needs to compile the url and make a GET request (mostly by ajax) which ...
Sachin Jain's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

OR operator for StackOverflow API

I'm trying to get a list of questions from the SO API for a number of tags, At the moment I am using the ; operator to separate the tags in the URL but the thing is this only brings up questions that ...
mylesagray's user avatar
13 votes
0 answers

How to call the API via JSONP in Plain Old JavaScript

This tips demonstrates how to call the API in JavaScript without the need of jQuery or other frameworks. In a lot of cases you will find that the JSONP implementations provided in various frameworks ...