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George the Dev - Making Conversation in the Chat Rooms

George the Dev is a chat bot for the Stack Exchange network of chat sites. He currently hangs out in the Sandbox and is capable of understanding a few commands and those commands resemble a natura…

ChatBot, a bot. For the chat

Lurks in the shadows of the chat. It executes commands at the request of the user, sending messages as the user who runs it. You can talk to it the StackOverflow SandBox room if you want to play (…

v0.0.0, Zirak

RebolBot - a chat bot for the chat rooms

RebolBot is a helpful little robot that will take natural English commands to do your bidding in chat rooms

v0.0.33, Graham Chiu

Stack Exchange Chat API Documentation and Bot Boilerplate (finally)

Chat Documentation GitHub Link: Description: I know many people have created bots in different languages. Thats why I need your h…

Chatdump - a site monitor

Dump activity from a site into a chatroom. Configurable as to what to dump and with what conditions. Github repo