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8 votes
1 answer

sorting ascending vs descending

I don't understand the difference between ascending and descending? Surely ascending means the most active/recent/popular/A first, and descending means the least active/recent/popular/Z first? But it ...
4 votes
1 answer

“Try It” URL has wrong URI

On API doc pages, the “link” link at the top-right of the “Try It” sections presents a URL with the wrong domain name: For example, on docs/similar, the URL displayed will be: https://api....
1 vote
1 answer

wrong results of /search/advanced

I am querying mobile in stackoverflow. The second result is an answer. Results of /search/advanced is giving only questions when queried mobile. This is applicable for all other terms which are to be ...
0 votes
1 answer

2.0 tags API returns only created tags

Searching for tags, using the inname parameter AND a date range returns only the tags that were created in that period, not the tags that were used in that period. When searching by inname only, or ...
3 votes
1 answer

Elections nominations posts not showing up in API

I know that it's probably unintended that the Primary voting scores were leaked by the API, but I think if you're going to remove it, then at least make it official, so I won't have to wonder if it's ...
4 votes
1 answer

API 'search' method with 'min' parameter

If you search for questions posted on time 1296897085 or later (by specifying sort=creation and min=1296897085), it may still return questions posted before that date: