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How do I handle token expiration in my application?

This request is responded to with either an error (HTTP status code 400) or an access token of the form access_token=...&expires=1234. expires will only be set if scope does not include no_expiry, ...
Arunabh's user avatar
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How to get user information of Stack Overflow?

I'm currently using the Stack Overflow API to get a user's information (via Stack Exchange). Is it possible with the Stack Overflow API to get user details?
saravanaprasath's user avatar
4 votes
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PyStackAPI - wrapper for the StackExchange API, written in Python

PyStackAPI The latest version - 0.2.0 What is PyStackAPI? PyStackAPI is a modern, 100% typed wrapper for the StackExchange API, written in Python. Documentation You can find documentation here: https:/...
wchistow's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Helper module for SE API for Nushell

Following on from Calling SE APIs with Nushell (basic overview), I have developed a helper module for calling SE API's in Nushell. The library itself is short and included in the first answer. Usage ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
5 votes
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Calling SE APIs with Nushell (basic overview)

While I still prefer a more "traditional" shell for day-to-day use, I'm finding Nushell's structured data capabilities to be a fantastic companion to the SE API (among others). It's been ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
5 votes
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stackchat.cpp - a C++20 library for Stack Exchange chat

Code snippet #include "stackchat/StackChat.hpp" #include "stackchat/chat/ChatEvent.hpp" #include "stackchat/chat/Command.hpp" #include <iostream> #include <...
Zoe - Save the data dump's user avatar
6 votes
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stackapi.cpp - a C++20 library for the Stack Exchange API

Code snippet #include "stackapi/StackAPI.hpp" #include "stackapi/data/structs/comments/Comment.hpp" #include <iostream> int main() { stackapi::StackAPI api ( { ...
Zoe - Save the data dump's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

The /questions endpoint only returns around 30,000 items where 400,000 are expected

I use stackr library and I registered an api key as the library mentions "since it increases your daily quota of queries from 300 to 10,000." So I use the following code, which worked fine ...
cottinR's user avatar
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1 answer

Main Stack Exchange network site API

The original Stack Exchange app has this cool feature where you can browse hot question from the entire network. But at the current state I am not able to see a “Stack Exchange” site listed in the ...
Daniel James Tronca's user avatar
1 vote
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PLACEHOLDER - Pipedream extension for doing actions on stackexchange

I am using the Stack Exchange API for doing actions on the website which can be performed using a portal I am building which links various other platforms.
Kshitij Alwadhi's user avatar
2 votes
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Generate StackApps - post generator for userscripts

About Generate StackApps is a post Markdown generator for userscript projects reducing the amount of busywork required to publish userscripts for the benefit of the Stack Exchange network users. The ...
0Valt's user avatar
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Stack Exchange API Types - a type declaration package for API types

Screenshot / Code Snippet Usage example: import { CommonWrapperObject, Errors, Filters, Tag, } from "@userscripters/stackexchange-api-types"; export const getTagsAPI = ...
0Valt's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Generate Headers - a utility package for validating and auto generating userscript manager headers

About Tired of writing out userscript headers by hand? Of small typos in your @match headers leading to wasted time? Generate Headers to the rescue: this utility package automates header generation ...
0Valt's user avatar
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12 votes
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Stack Exchange Global Types - a type declaration package for global objects exposed by Stack Exchange

Screenshot / Code Snippet About Stack Exchange global types is a type declaration package adding or augmenting type definitions for global objects exposed by Stack Exchange for client-side ...
0Valt's user avatar
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11 votes
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OBSOLETE - Dragon: an automatic editor

OBSOLETE: No longer maintained, and I haven't used it for ages either. May or may not work as long as v2 of the API remains supported Screenshot My revision history currently contains a lot of ...
Zoe - Save the data dump's user avatar
8 votes
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GraphQL Stack Overflow API endpoint W.I.P

About: Currently a GraphQL endpoint is available here, meant to facilitate apps wanting to query data from StackExchange but with the GraphQL spec. High speed, built with go and hosted on Azure. ...
Funsaized's user avatar
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1 vote
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How can I the question detail page and add comments like the Stack Exchange app?

Can we get the list of data when clicking on a specific question and display the question detail page like the Stack Exchange app? I can't find the API to get them so far, so I decided to display the ...
user13414590's user avatar
2 votes
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After which time span can my vote no longer change?

I came across a toast that appears when I try to change my vote that I made a few days ago. Is it documented somewhere after which time span you can no longer change your vote? Or does the API ...
Norbert Bartko's user avatar
5 votes
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Stack Exchange Chat API Documentation and Bot Boilerplate (finally)

Chat Documentation GitHub Link: Description: I know many people have created bots in different languages. Thats why I need your help ...
user7886229's user avatar
6 votes
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Node.js/ChatExchange - An API for Chat

About ChatExchange is a node.js API for talking to Stack Exchange chat (Largely based on ChatExchange for python). This is still very much in the works, but currently provides a working API for those ...
Blue's user avatar
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StackExchangePy: Python3 wrapper for StackExchange API

About StackExchangePy is another python package for StackExchange API, written in python3. License The package is under GPL3 license. Download To install it, type pip3 install stackexchangepy in your ...
user avatar
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SEStandard - A .NET Standard 1.1 compliant Stack Exchange client library that supports API v2.2

Please note that SEStandard is still under development. It is currently at version 1.0.0-rc, and is a release candidate. While you can expect the API not to change, you might come across bugs. Please ...
ravindUwU's user avatar
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Ruby SE Realtime: A library for watching the SE Realtime WebSocket

Screenshot / Code Snippet Documentation can be found in the GitHub repo: About This is the library you need when you don't want to have to poll the ...
thesecretmaster's user avatar
6 votes
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Ruby SE API: A Ruby wrapper for the Stack Exchange API

Screenshot / Code Snippet An excerpt from the README: First, initialize your client. You can omit the API key, but it's strongly recommended that you use one because it increases your request ...
thesecretmaster's user avatar
4 votes
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ChatX: A ruby library for SE Chat

Screenshot / Code Snippet Here's some sample usage: cb =['ChatXUsername'], ENV['ChatXPassword']) cb.login cb.gen_hooks do room 63296 do # Room ID of The Closet, a testing room for ...
thesecretmaster's user avatar
1 vote
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Do my users need to be logged in, for quota?

I am building an application and want to showcase relevant Stack Overflow questions. I have made the request and getting a response, but its responding with a quota value: "quota_max": 300, "...
Nil's user avatar
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stackcpp - An asynchronous C++11 library for the StackExchange API

stackcpp is an asynchronous C++11 library for the StackExchange API! Code Snippet Here's a small example of the API in action: #include <iostream> #include "stackcpp/client.h" int main() { ...
Rakete1111's user avatar
30 votes
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Belisarius - Detecting vandalism on Stack Overflow

Background: This bot has been developed in an attempt to help capture possible vandalism. This includes: Removing all code Replacing all content with nonsense/repeated words Adding solutions to ...
Bugs's user avatar
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1 answer

access_token not present in /oauth/access_token response

When using the explicit OAuth authentication for apps, I have problems receiving the access_token. A user goes to /approve and is then forwarded to approve the app. When redirected back to my site I ...
ajthinking's user avatar
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go-sechat - Go package for interacting with the Stack Exchange chat network

The Stack Exchange chat network does not currently have an API. However, after spending a bit of time in Chrome's Inspector, I was able to reverse-engineer most of the requests and responses ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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2 votes
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Authentication uses # instead of `?`?

I need authentication for my app so I used the implicit flow way. The authentication works just fine but the access_token and expires variables return weirdly! For example:
moein rahimi's user avatar
5 votes
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StackAPI - A(nother) Python wrapper

This is a(nother) Python wrapper for the Stack Exchange API. I wrote this to assist with a couple of my projects that needed to do a lot of API interactions. After using it and polishing it up for as ...
Andy's user avatar
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StackExchange API JS SDk

I am planning to write a javascript library as a wrapper over StackExchange API. Currently, every webapp using StackExchange api needs to compile the url and make a GET request (mostly by ajax) which ...
Sachin Jain's user avatar
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Login screen without web browser

I'm playing around with the Stack Exchange API, and have just received my first response from the server using the "Hello World" example. The next step is to allow the user to log in somehow. From ...
Mitch's user avatar
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15 votes
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Unable to get access token

I am trying to get a non-expiry access token, like so:{{some_uri}}&client_id={{some_value}} I am repeatedly getting the error: ...
user34257's user avatar
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ChatExchange - It is an API for Chat

Code Snippet sendMessage('', 721, 'Hello @Sha', fkey().fkey) //Sends the message 'Hello @Sha' to Shadow's Den //Must be run in a chat site, due to @Balpha not wanting CORS ...
Universal Electricity's user avatar
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The `top_questions` field shows outdated information?

I am using Stack Exchange API. I posted question from the doc page /questions/add to Stack Overflow. This was my first question. As that question was to check the function /questions/add, means it was ...
amit jha's user avatar
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How to deal with the "Too Many Requests" error coming as HTML?

The API specifies error codes, and messages. It also specifies a "backoff" parameter. But, even while respecting the backoff and stopping at errors, and even when waiting a long time between requests ...
Denys Séguret's user avatar
5 votes
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Get the Authenticated User's email?

We're building the website for our local Developer Community. We're trying to enable "Login with Stack Exchange" (we already got LinkedIn and GitHub), but I can't seem to find the User's email when ...
Eduardo Romero's user avatar
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Want a way to give your user the access token nicely?

Well your wishes have been fulfilled. Over on GitHub is a page ready designed for you to use! It's my SEAuthentication repro. What does it do? How does it work? The essential code is below. There is ...
Tim's user avatar
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I Cannot Perform Oauth [closed]

My Clientn id = 4784 and Key = cB0l6XiaOW5l5vsBnBeIUg((. What do I do for Oauth and to get an access token?
SOURABH DOLIYA's user avatar
7 votes
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Add the 'people reached' count to the API?

Can we have the people reached statistic added to the /users/{ids} method? The response could simply be: "people_reached": 1000 I'm asking because it would be cool to get a network-wide number.
ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's user avatar
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What is the difference between accepted and is_accepted?

I saw there are two fields in answer type. One is accepted, introduced in v2.2 and needs private_info access. While another one is is_accepted without these limits. Can somebody give an explanation?
Zigii Wong's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get up_vote_count and down_vote_count for a user?

I'm testing the following command: $ curl -s "" | gunzip -d | python -m json.tool However it doesn't return up_vote_count and ...
kenorb's user avatar
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ArtOfChatbot + Chat API - a customisable chatbot

Stack Exchange chat has no API. While this is not a complete chat API, it introduces a level of control that makes it far easier to run chatbots. About ArtOfChatbot is a two-part creation: a basic ...
ArtOfCode's user avatar
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"access_denied" error in the write answer at stackoverflow [duplicate]

I am providing an application (windows application), This application can search in the stackoverflow and show results. Then User can write answer for that Question or write comment for that, Now my ...
hesam's user avatar
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The field body_markdown is not returned for comments [duplicate]

Using the method questions-by-ids to get the comments on a particular question, I do not get body_markdown returned despite it being selected in the filter. Here is the test query to reproduce the ...
user avatar
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/revisions/{ids} returns results where revision_number is always 1

As of now, Code Review Question 59285 has three revisions, excluding the original question. If I fetch those three revisions using the API, I see that all of them have revision_number set to 1. That'...
200_success's user avatar
3 votes
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How to track the open/closed status over the history of a question?

I'd like to find out the times in the history of a question when it was closed and reopened. How can I do that using API v2? The closest relevant call I have found is /questions/{ids}/timeline, ...
200_success's user avatar
3 votes
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Getting display name of the site on which question is located

When using the /questions method to retrieve a particular question, I'd like to also get the display name of the site on which the question is located (e.g., User Experience). At present, the API does ...
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