Browse questions in 3D space!
There are a lot of interesting questions in the Stack Trilogy. But it is difficult to find your way through the huge amount of content when the only way to browse through it is lists. SpaceOverflow lets you capture the content on the Stack trilogy in a whole new way: Questions are visualized in 3D space!
Be impressed by the huge amount of data available on the Stack Trilogy, search in questions or filter by author or a user's activity. Regard updates happening live! See new questions popping up and existing questions moving as they get up-voted. Choose which questions should appear closest and which ones should appear in the center. Thanks to automatic reloading, you can zoom (almost) infinitely with your mouse wheel, and pan by dragging. When you click on a question, a browser is opened that gives you all possibilities that you have when regularly visiting a Stack site.
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Don't forget:
Update 9 (Version 1.0.1) (after two weeks of holidays, I'm sorry for the absence):
- Removed click sound when closing web browser
- Fixed bug that could cause a crash when quitting the application
Update 8 (Version 1.0):
- Changes are visualized in intervals, simulating live updates while only polling every minute
- Removed experimental and debugging features
- Fixed bug: Infinite zoom not working properly for sorts Hot and Featured
- Fixed bug: Sorts Hot and Featured not available for search
- Fixed a ton of other bugs
- Added a ton of new features I can't remember
- Fixed another ton of bugs I found in the ton of new features
Update 7:
- Introducing live updating!!
- New question plop in
- When votes, author reputation, etc. changes, question is automatically moved
- No TIE fighters yet, I'm sorry
- Decreased startup time
- Fixed bug: Allowing you to pan while mouse is not in application window
- Introducing new abstraction layer (QuestionSource)
Update 6:
- Fixed several bugs, including hit testing (determining which question you clicked)
- Caching StackAuth response to make startup faster
Update 5:
- Using StackAuth for API endpoint discovery
- Updated to API version 1.0
- Re-organized API implementation
- Small fixes to increase usability:
- Don't open question when mouse has moved more than 5 pixels
- Don't open question when click was used to stop movement
- Added animation to make zooming smoother
- Allowing zoom with numpad + and - keys
- Improved explode/implode animation
- Addressed performance issue
Update 4:
- Performance improved quite a lot. Also, the text should be easier to read now, especially if it's far away.
Update 3:
- Allows you to change the mapping of questions to the space! Choose the criteria that determine which questions should be the nearest and which the most centered ones.
Update 2:
- Added progress indicator.
- Preliminary support for infinite zoom!
Update 1:
- Allows you to search in questions and filter by author. (Unfortunately, search is sometimes a little slow - just wait then)
- Dropped random component in locating of questions - the same question will always stay at the same place now.
- Decreased overall waiting times.
- Project is now hosted on Google Code.
- Added a little easter egg ;-) See if you can find it.
SpaceOverflow source on Google Code
Contact me: eric dot wolf one two three at gmail dot com
This is licensed under the GPU General Public License v2.