I'm told by others and read in Looking for a beginner's tutorial to using the API that I need "To Get A Key!" but when I then visit https://stackapps.com/apps/oauth/register I'm stil uncertain how to proceed.

If I only need a key what is the shortest route to success without causing troubles for me, my app/script or others?

1 Answer 1


When you click the Register link you're presented with this webform:

register app

If you're in a hurry and click Register your Application you'll find this error:

4 fields required

The fields Name, Description, Website URL and OAuth Domain are required.

You can probably dream up a name and a description but those pesky Website URL and OAuth Domain keep bugging me. Here is the shortest route to success:

Field Value
Application Name CanHazKeyPls
Description CanHazKeyPls
OAuth Domain bad.invalid
Application Website bad.invalid

And now click on the big blue Register your Application.

Congrats, you now have registered an app. You find the key as the third item on your app registration page:

app registration

If you scroll all the way down you'll find a blue Edit this App button, allowing you to change any of the values you previously entered. So if you later do get an website or read-up on Oauth flow you can adapt your values accordingly.

Enjoy your new app and key!

credits for bad.invalid goes to Brock Adams in his answer

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