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Provide a way to retrieve questions and answers that have been deleted

Could you please provide a way to retrieve deleted questions/answers? Your database contains that data, until you hard delete it, so it would be useful for us to have the chance to play with it. I'…

Please "release" and/or document API version 2.3

I was playing around a bit with Fiddler to capture traffic from the Stack Exchange iOS app. To my surprise, it uses version 2.3 of the Stack Exchange API: I noticed here that it has some extra f…

Is there a way to upload an image to using Python?

I am developing an image generation bot for chat (for example, I can generate the image correctly, but when it comes to posting the image, I have no idea how to upload the …

AI generated content should NOT be allowed on Stack Apps

On February 14th, 2024 a new network-wide policy on AI-generated content goes into effect. The de-facto default is that AI-generated content should follow the citation rules that already exist. In …

Retrieving a post with a specific ID

According to this question (and its answer), questions and answers are using the same index to determine their ID. In other words: Question with ID #1 Answer with ID #2 Answer with ID #3 Answe…

Are these images really necessary?

In the homepage (mobile phone) there's a huge image on the left side of each question: But are they really necessary? Should we remove them? The images seem unrelated to the questions themselves. …

Provide a "latest" version for apps that want to keep up

By pointing my application at or possibly I could keep up with all the version changes released. Alternate forms to…

Getting global information (Stack Exchange) about a list of users

I'm working with the API for several weeks (see my app here) and I'm trying to get the username of a particular user from its Stack Exchange ID. It's possible by querying /users/{ids} but it retur…

Add is_moderator to the /me endpoint

There's an endpoint for getting information about a user - called /me. I can get a number of fields from it, including is_staff, which, presumably, indicates if a user is an SE staff member. Could …

Get the Site Display Name from the API

Is there a way to get the Site Name, like StackOverflow or ServerFault, etc.? In my app I let the user enter a url with a api for a Site and I will be great If I can tell him something like: "You A…

Improve design of the Documentation's 404 page

The 404 page of the documentation has a rather awkward design; for example, a different header than other pages, and no footer. Can it be updated?

Marking inbox items as read in api v2.2

I'm aware of this question, but it applied to an older (readonly) api version. Given that API 2.2 is read/write, I figured this might be possible now. Is there any way for an application using th…

please expose stackauth via a url that is consistent with the api

Most libraries and apps need to version themselves by adding the version number to the url and subsequently most of the http request code includes this information in the url building process. the …

How to get total visited days and consecutives of an user?

I checked docs , there are no endpoints to get total visited days and consecutive days. Is there any way to get them?

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