Questions tagged [twitter]

For Stack Exchange applications which interact with Twitter. General software development questions about Twitter can be asked on Stack Overflow; end user questions on Web Applications Stack Exchange, Ask Different or Android Enthusiasts.

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OBSOLETE - A Stack of Twits - Tweeting all over your stack

About I am fed up sitting all day refreshing the home page waiting for that elusive question on symfony that I can answer and who uses RSS these days? So using tags and massive fonts you can now g…

StackBot - Making it easy to post StackExchange questions to Twitter

StackBot is a small C# application that is designed to post interesting questions to a Twitter account at specified intervals. License StackBot is released under the Ms-PL license. Download You…

Genexus StackOverflow

Inspired by C# StackOverflow I decided to create a bot that would scan for the newly Genexus tagged questions and twit them out loud. Contact Questions, comments? reach out @sebagomez Code I u…

SecTTerBot: Twitter bot, which tweets newly answered Information Security questions

SecTTerBot is simple script which main purpose is to check if there are any new questions with provided any answers on Information Security. When new questions appears, and someone reply to them Se…

StackOverFriends! - Compare your results with your Twitter/Facebook friends!

StackOverFriends! lets you log with your Stack account and link your Twitter and Facebook account to look for friends that you have on StackExchange! (your friends have to be on the app, so spread …