Questions tagged [support]

You need help with the use of the Stack Exchange API, apps built on the API, or assistance building scripts that work on Stack Exchange websites.

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1 vote
1 answer

Looking for an app that allows me to view interesting unanswered questions on SE sites using UserId

I am interested in finding interesting unanswered questions on different SE sites using my UserId. While I am aware of this SEDE query that exists, the problem with it is that it seems that with ...
7 votes
6 answers

Hide the Stack Exchange sidebar

I would like to gain some screen estate when viewing Stack Exchange sites. The sidebar seldom shows information I need. I know most help content displayed when composing questions. Most related ...
1 vote
1 answer

Does there exist an app that allows me to download all of my questions and answers on all SE sites?

I'm interested in downloading a backup of all my questions and answers on all Stack Exchange sites in the form of markdown files. I'm already aware of this SE data explorer query, but this downloads ...
5 votes
0 answers

Stackexchange oauth2.0 is suddenly failing

No changes in stack apps or my code, it was working fine for a while, suddenly it stopped working now. I get "InternalOAuthError: Failed to obtain access token" After more details inspection,...
0 votes
1 answer

Error calling Stack Overflow Teams API using Python requests library

I'm trying to call a PUT/DELETE request using the Stack Overflow Teams API in Python, but I'm encountering errors. As an FYI, I have a working PAT that allows me to make get requests for articles and ...
5 votes
1 answer

Suddenly getting "Couldn't parse `client_id`"

For years, I've run a local PHP app using GuzzleHttp\Client to download my StackExchange posts. Today, I'm suddenly getting this problem when posting my client_id, client_secret, code, redirect_uri. { ...
4 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to access data in real-time using the Stack Exchange API?

I want to show an animation of: Questions being asked and answered in the most popular tag Comments being posted New users joining All in real time. Is there access to real-time data?
0 votes
0 answers

Application must have a registered Stack Apps post to write [duplicate]

I got this issue when trying to login to Stack Overflow through the web view of my Flutter application. What is this warning and how do I fix this?
13 votes
2 answers

Why is my API quota not resetting after UTC reset?

According to How API Keys Work, the default daily API limit -- which is per site, per day -- is 300. I started with 300, as expected, but over a period of days, I've noticed that the remaining quota ...
0 votes
0 answers

how can i take write acces on stack overflow [duplicate]

const express = require("express"); const router = express.Router(); const axios = require("axios"); const querystring = require("querystring"); const dotenv = require(&...
5 votes
0 answers

Userscript to flag deleted posts for moderator attention with <10K reputation

I noticed that while the system blocks you from viewing deleted posts unless you have moderator tools privilege, the system will not block you from flagging them. The only flag available for deleted ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is there a way to ask general questions within the Stack app?

I just joined Stack Exchange and am using the Android app called "Stack for Stack Overflow" by Tyler Wong. When I try to post a question, I'm forced to select from a number of topic ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to get user information of Stack Overflow?

I'm currently using the Stack Overflow API to get a user's information (via Stack Exchange). Is it possible with the Stack Overflow API to get user details?
3 votes
1 answer

Getting global information (Stack Exchange) about a list of users

I'm working with the API for several weeks (see my app here) and I'm trying to get the username of a particular user from its Stack Exchange ID. It's possible by querying /users/{ids} but it returns ...
0 votes
1 answer

Applications must have a registered Stack Apps post to write. I submited this link for stack apps post

OAuth Domain [email protected] Application Website: Application Icon (optional): '' Stack Apps ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to get user information of all sites merged

I'm actually using${userID}?site=${site} to get some user information from a specific site on Stack Exchange, but I want to get the information for all sites ...
5 votes
1 answer

How can I implement a method to call the SE API that handles backoff correctly?

I'm writing JavaScript (Node.js) code that calls the Stack Exchange API. One part of the API is that it may return a non-zero value for backoff, which essentially means "wait n seconds before ...
2 votes
0 answers

Randomly getting an 404 no method error when calling the question endpoint

When calling the question endpoint for a given number of communities, I have been randomly getting the following error: {"error_id":404,"error_message":"no method found with ...
1 vote
0 answers

Requesting Assistance for OAuth Implementation in the Stack Overflow API

I'm attempting to set up OAuth in the Stack Overflow API. I've created a Stack App and obtained the Client ID and Client Secret. However, I'm encountering difficulties in the process and require ...
3 votes
1 answer

getting answer body and question body in same request [duplicate]

I'm trying to get only questions and answers. I filtered the fields, to get also the body of answers, but I don't get an answers JSON object. What am I missing? I know about this question, but I don'...
2 votes
1 answer

Get my profile information after authentication

I am coding for a mobile application and using stack exchange API 2.1. I am able to implement oauth and I have access token also. Now I am trying to retrieve my profile information, like user_id, ...
0 votes
0 answers

Has the Email service been Shutdown [duplicate]

Has the stackmail email service been shut down as I can't get access. If it has can I get a forwarding message set up?
8 votes
0 answers

We’re collecting feedback on how we can improve the Stack Exchange API

The Stack Exchange API allows users to programmatically query and connect to the Stack Exchange Network of sites. The API is currently in version 2.3. We’re collecting feedback from users of the API, ...
5 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to programmatically access chat?

I'm thinking about starting a project where I'd like to have access to the "chat" feature of the stack exchange sites. I saw this project: IRC access for the chat? But I don't believe that it works ...
3 votes
1 answer

How can I extract user information on Stack Overflow using Python and the Stack Overflow API?

I am new to Python. I want to extract a user bio, answers, questions they made in Stack Overflow. Can I do that using the API? For example, can I extract the user: name bio and number of questions ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to extract users rating

I need a solution to exact reputations, badges for the stack overflow users. Please let me know. In microsoft programming language should be fine.
0 votes
0 answers

How do I send a message to Stack Exchange Chat using a webhook?

Apparently this is off-topic for Meta SE. I have a repository for Utility Bot, a Stack Exchange chatbot I made. GitHub has a feature that allows you to send repository events via a POST request to a ...
0 votes
0 answers

Ho to get the write access for Stack exchange api [duplicate]

I am receiving this error. "Applications must have a registered Stack Apps post to write " even i pass the write_access in scope
1 vote
1 answer

How to get access_token from the uri after the fetch function executes?

I am using this snippet to authorize to the Stack Exchange API const baseUrl = ",no_expiry&redirect_uri=https://...
1 vote
0 answers

PLACEHOLDER - A post to register my app posting

PLACEHOLDER - Just a post to register my app.
2 votes
2 answers

How to revoke an access token generated for my application?

I generated an access token for my application and shared it with some people. Now, I wish to revoke the access token and generate a new one. I don't find any way to revoke that token.
2 votes
1 answer

Differences between versions 1.x and 2.x of the Stack Exchange API?

I had written a Java Wrapper for the Stack Exchange API, version 1.x, Which was working perfectly. But, since 12 May 2014, services for version 1.x have been shutdown and my Wrapper stopped working. ...
5 votes
1 answer

What are the rules for Discord bots posting to Stack Exchange?

I'm a member of a community that has its own Stack Exchange site and I'm wondering where I can find some insight into the rules of creating a Stack App that does the following: We have a pretty strong ...
8 votes
1 answer

How can I quickly get an access token for personal use?

Registering your application or script gets you a higher daily quota and is fairly simply; a step by step guide is documented here: I only need a key, what do I do? However, what if I do want an ...
27 votes
1 answer

My app has to be published first? But it's still under development

Okay, I want to build an App that allows me to create questions on Stack Exchange. I registered it here on Stack Apps but now when I want to create a question I get this message: { "error_message": ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is it logical to make two versions of an app, one for prod and one for dev?

Let's say I'm working on an app on a local dev server, localhost:1234 for example. Once I feel ready, I upload any changes to a GitHub repo and have those changes sync with an online website, for ...
3 votes
0 answers

SSL handshake error after Stack Overflow back on - anything related to SSL certification changed?

I'm building a Stack Overflow app for BlackBerry10. Earlier today (Feb 16, 2014), Stack Overflow was down and after it came back up my app starts to have this issue. My app works fine when it's in LTE,...
1 vote
0 answers

Overwhelmed by unorganized information [duplicate]

As you can see I am a newbie, and trying to use Stack Exchange API for a school project. I spent 3 hours just trying to understand How to get started. Is there an example for me to follow? or A ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is the StackExchange API free of charge?

I am brand new to StackApps, so please bear with me for a question that is hopefully obvious to most regular users. As far as I can tell, there is no charge for accessing the StackExchange API. ...
3 votes
1 answer

Redirect URI for a chrome extension using StackExchange API Oauth

I'm working on a developing a browser extension which uses StackExchange API authentication. I was able to successfully implement the authentication for Microsoft edge/Chrome when I added chromiumapp....
2 votes
1 answer

Download data for specific tag

How to download all the data just for a specific tag (say [compiler-error])? On Stack Overflow, there are around 19000 questions tagged with [compiler-error]. So, I was hoping is it downloadable w.r.t ...
4 votes
1 answer

Stack Overflow for Teams support

I am reading this documentation where they mention the need to create a PAT to access StackOverflow for Teams API (https://...
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to use the API without using localhost or a web domain?

I'm developing an SO chrome extension in React with TypeScript. I've been reading the guide on how to use the API with OAuth and it looks fantastic for what I'm trying to do. The problem is that the ...
2 votes
0 answers

Uncaught channelUrl must be under the current domain

I'm developing a Stack Chrome extension that will make use of the API. I'm following the instructions on the API docs here. My OAuth and host websites are set to in my Stack Apps ...
5 votes
1 answer

How to get total visited days and consecutives of an user?

I checked docs , there are no endpoints to get total visited days and consecutive days. Is there any way to get them?
1 vote
1 answer

How to apply an access token in order to scrape the recommended answers?

I'm trying to scrape some data which needs the access token, and I received 'Applications must have a registered Stack Apps post to write' Does that mean I need to post a question on Stack Exchange ...
5 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to have no sorting - to just show results in order of inputted IDs?

I'm trying to send multiple IDs at once (up to a max of 100), but need to use the data in the same order I send the request with. So, if I send IDs in an arbitary order like 4;1;3;2, I would like to ...
2 votes
0 answers

Getting weird response from StackExchange API [duplicate]

Context: I am trying to notify myself with an email whenever there is a reputation change on my account every 30 mins(which will come via a cron job). So I am hitting a StackExchange API to get this. ...
19 votes
3 answers

Is there an API to upload images to SE's imgur installation?

Is there an API for uploading images to the StackExchange-specific imgur installation? I could use the main imgur site, but they don't keep the images indefinitely. Use case: It would be ...
3 votes
1 answer

Difference in results between parameters Tagged or Q

If I make a request using the "tagged" parameter, the returned results are more that if I make the same request with the same tags but using the "q" parameter. Notice that the ...

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