Questions tagged [iphone]

Use the tag for apps, scripts, library or support questions that are used on or relate to the Apple iPhone device in combination with the API or site.

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OBSOLETE - Six to Eight: An iPhone client

Six to Eight no longer functions, and has been discontinued. This is due to the shutdown of the v1 SE API. Given that SE has now developed their own iOS client, I don't see myself updating Six to …

StackKit: an API framework for Cocoa

StackKit is an Objective-C framework for interacting with the Stack Exchange API. It is compatible with both iOS and Mac OS X

MyStacks - "Stack Overflow trilogy" iPhone app (free)

v.1.3 of MyStacks, an unofficial iPhone app for browsing questions on the Stack Overflow trilogy sites, is now available in the app store. Current Version Saves articles offline once viewed Choo…

OBSOLETE - Stack Up for iOS (1.0.1)

Stack Up is now available on the App Store. Stack Up is a Stack Exchange client for iOS (4.0 only at the moment, but I'm working on adding iPad support). You can learn a little more about it here,…

MSOEngine Objective-C library

MSOEngine Basically MSOEngine (Matt's Stack Overflow Engine) is an Objective-C library that communicates with Stack Overflow. It uses the MIT License. You can find (the new and improved ver…

OBSOLETE - GeeQe - Native Stack Overflow client

The Geek Question Explorer is a Native Stack Overflow iPhone Application. GeeQe has been updated to use the Stack Exchange API for everything except search results. I am looking for some feedback o…