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Looking for an app that allows me to view interesting unanswered questions on SE sites using UserId

I am interested in finding interesting unanswered questions on different SE sites using my UserId. While I am aware of this SEDE query that exists, the problem with it is that it seems that with la…

Hide the Stack Exchange sidebar

I would like to gain some screen estate when viewing Stack Exchange sites. The sidebar seldom shows information I need. I know most help content displayed when composing questions. Most related a…

Does there exist an app that allows me to download all of my questions and answers on all SE sites?

I'm interested in downloading a backup of all my questions and answers on all Stack Exchange sites in the form of markdown files. I'm already aware of this SE data explorer query, but this download…

Stackexchange oauth2.0 is suddenly failing

No changes in stack apps or my code, it was working fine for a while, suddenly it stopped working now. I get "InternalOAuthError: Failed to obtain access token" After more details inspect…

Error calling Stack Overflow Teams API using Python requests library

I'm trying to call a PUT/DELETE request using the Stack Overflow Teams API in Python, but I'm encountering errors. As an FYI, I have a working PAT that allows me to make get requests for articles a…

Suddenly getting "Couldn't parse `client_id`"

For years, I've run a local PHP app using GuzzleHttp\Client to download my StackExchange posts. Today, I'm suddenly getting this problem when posting my client_id, client_secret, code, redirect_uri…

Is it possible to access data in real-time using the Stack Exchange API?

I want to show an animation of: Questions being asked and answered in the most popular tag Comments being posted New users joining All in real time. Is there access to real-time data?

Why is my API quota not resetting after UTC reset?

According to How API Keys Work, the default daily API limit -- which is per site, per day -- is 300. I started with 300, as expected, but over a period of days, I've noticed that the remaining quo…

Userscript to flag deleted posts for moderator attention with <10K reputation

I noticed that while the system blocks you from viewing deleted posts unless you have moderator tools privilege, the system will not block you from flagging them. The only flag available for delete…

Is there a way to ask general questions within the Stack app?

I just joined Stack Exchange and am using the Android app called "Stack for Stack Overflow" by Tyler Wong. When I try to post a question, I'm forced to select from a number of topic categ…

How to get user information of Stack Overflow?

I'm currently using the Stack Overflow API to get a user's information (via Stack Exchange). Is it possible with the Stack Overflow API to get user details?

Getting global information (Stack Exchange) about a list of users

I'm working with the API for several weeks (see my app here) and I'm trying to get the username of a particular user from its Stack Exchange ID. It's possible by querying /users/{ids} but it retur…

Applications must have a registered Stack Apps post to write. I submited this link https://stackoverflow.com/questions for stack apps post

OAuth Domain [email protected] Application Website: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ECqepVphS3Dds05zUJ8l0ylkQ9X15iUZ_iqhQCM3vfY/edit?usp=sharing Application Icon (optional): '' Stack Apps…

How to get user information of all sites merged

I'm actually using https://api.stackexchange.com/2.3/users/${userID}?site=${site} to get some user information from a specific site on Stack Exchange, but I want to get the information for all site…

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